Located in the close vicinity of Mt. Erciyes—the highest stratovolcano in Central Anatolia that shaped the incredible landscape of the historic region of Cappadocia—Cappadocia University joins the ranks of the international institutions that foreground the vital importance of preserving the natural heritage of mountains on 11 December 2020. In a social media poll organized by the university’s sustainability commission, Cappadocia University asks students, faculty, and the local residents about their existing knowledge of the meaning of the name “Erciyes” in advance of IMD 2020. A brief text prepared by the commission explaining the origins of the name of the mountain will then be published on Cappadocia University’s “Sustainable Cappadocia” website on 11 December. Creating awareness about the etymology and historic origins of the name is also expected to create awareness about the risks the mountain faces today due to climate change.

